Job Layout captures various information regarding job requirements while we add and create a new job. A user can customize the job layout in the job form if they require adding new details.

This can be managed from the  "Admin" module on the left side of the screen. Under the Customization tab, visit the "Customize Job Layout" option.

Navigation Link:


You can add the field type per your requirement in the Customize Job form.

Navigation Link:


Add Field in Job Form

Step 1: Drag and drop a selected field type from the left-hand side menu to the right on the "Existing Fields" section.


Step 2: Fill up the detail required in the field's information dialogue box. Add the field name and choose the Section Name, under which you wish to add & categorize the field. 

You can also choose the mark this field as Mandatory for team members. So while creating a new Job requirement in the system, this information becomes mandatory to be filled in and click on the update button to add them. 


Note : 

1. To add more than one value for Multi-Select, Many Checkbox, Yes/No field type, a list of values should be added with the “#” (hash) separator. E.g. Yes#No.

2. To add more than one value for Dropdown Select, a list of values should be added with the “,” (comma) separator. E.g. NY, NJ, Washington.



Edit Field in Job Form

You can click on the Pencil icon to edit particular field information and click on Update. Meanwhile, you can also mark your mandatory/non-mandatory according to your requirement by making that toggle ON/OFF.


Delete Field in Job Form

You can click on the X icon to Delete a particular field.



Note: You may not remove/edit any default fields. Please get in touch with support in case you want to alter default fields. For these default fields, the Delete icon will be in Grey. Only those fields can be deleted, whose X icon is Pink in colour. 


Reorder Field in Job Form

To customize the order of the Job field, you can drag and rearrange the order of fields, as per your requirements, through the 6 dots icon on the left of each field.