In the system, a Client can be categorised by assigning them a status. This is called the Client Status in the system. You can customize and manage these client-specific statues as per your requirements in the system. 

To customize the Client status, you need to click on the “Admin” option on the left side of the screen and select the "Client Status” option in the Customization section.

Navigation Link:



The key purpose of this screen is to provide the facility to add, edit, and remove status that helps to track Clients into the system as per their own requirements.

Navigation Link:



Add Client Status

Step 1: Click on the “Add Client Status” button available on the screen.



Step 2: Enter the name of the Client status as per your requirement.



Step 3: Select the preferred colour by clicking the colour shade that helps to identify the Client status with the colour code.



Step 4: Click on the “Save” button and you will get the newly created status on the list.



Edit Client Status

Click on the “Edit” icon (pencil icon) after the respective status name to modify and save the changes.



Remove Client Status

Click on the “Delete” icon (cross icon) after the respective status name to remove. 



*Note: You may not be able to remove Client status if it is already mapped with the active Client(s).

**You may not remove/edit any built-in status. Removing them could lead to errors in generating reports.