Customize your list of Onboarding status by adding, modifying, reordering, and removing status based on your preference.
Written by Shruti Patel
Each work item type is associated with a workflow that supports tracking the status of work as it moves from creation to completion. To support your business and team processes, you can add custom statuses to most of the work item types.
For example, each Onboarding status is associated with a certain Candidate, Job, and Client in the system. To track the progress of the Onboarding Candidate, you can have different onboarding statuses, which can be customized according to their requirements.
To customize the Onboarding status, you need to click on the “Admin Module" on the left side of the menu, click on the Customization Tab, and select the “Onboarding Workflow” option.
Navigation Link:
The key purpose of this screen is to provide the facility to add, edit, reorder, and remove status that helps to track Onboardings into the system as per their requirement.
Navigation Link:
Step 1: Click on the “Add Workflow Stage” button available on the screen.
Step 2: Enter the name of the Onboarding status as per your requirement.
Step 3: Mark “End Status” as checked if the status is the final status of the Sales Workflow after which your Onboarding process is either accepted or rejected.
Step 4: Select the preferred colour by clicking the colour shade that helps to identify the Onboarding status with the colour code.
Step 5: Click on the "Save” button.
You will get the newly created status on the screen.
Note: You may not be able to create another Onboarding status having the same name as the existing status in the system.
The "Request Sent" and "Submission Done" statuses will automatically be changed once the request has been sent to the candidate and the candidate has submitted their details, respectively.
Click on the “Edit” icon (pencil icon) after the respective status name to modify and save the changes.
Note: You may not be able to modify Onboarding status names having the same name as the existing status in the system.
Click on the “Delete” icon (cross icon) after the respective status name to remove.
Note: You may be unable to remove the Onboarding status if it is already mapped with the active Onboarding(s). You may not remove/edit any built-in status. Please contact support in case you want to alter the built-in status.
Drag and drop the selected status at your preferred place to customize the order of the onboarding workflow.
You can customize the Onboarding Workflow from the Onboarding screen as well.