Conducting interviews is crucial in screening suitable candidates for a particular job.

In short, conducting interviews is essential for screening suitable candidates for a job. Preparation, structured questioning, assessing the behavioural fit and technical skills, evaluating cultural fit, active listening, providing information, documenting feedback, and prompt follow-up are vital to ensure compelling interviews and successful candidate selection.

Schedule Interview

You can schedule an interview for candidates from multiple places in the system.

Path 1: Schedule an interview from the Candidates tab in the Jobs module using the + icon. 

Navigation Link:  


Path 2: Click on the + icon at the Top bar. 

Navigation Link: 


Modes of Interview

There are various methods by which you can schedule & conduct an interview from the system. 

1. Standard Interview.

2. Self Scheduling Interview.

3. Video Interview. 


Standard Interview

Fill in the interview details in the form as suggested below.

1. Interview Type - You can customize the type of interview by clicking on the + icon 

2. Interview Date & Time - Choose the date and time according to the Candidate's time zone

3. Interview Duration - Define the duration of the interview

4. Interview Location - Mention the Location of the Interview in case of a face-to-face interaction 

5. Add Attendees - Add details of the Panel members (add a guest email if any panel member is an outside member)

6. Set a reminder for the interview - To receive a reminder in your system for the scheduled interview

7. Add Meeting details or use the Google Meet platform to add virtual meeting details - Use this feature in case  of  a virtual meeting

8. Send an Email to the Candidate 

The Candidate here will receive an ICS file to attach to their calendar as a reminder. 


Self Scheduling Interview

Self-scheduling an interview is important for senior-level candidates. For Senior positions, you can provide various available Dates and time slots for the candidates to choose from based on their availability to appear for the interview. 


The Candidates will receive an email with a link to choose the most suitable time slot for the interview.



Video Interview

IsmartRecruit can integrate with a tool called Screening Hive to conduct one-way Video Interviews with Candidates. Refer to the article below to subscribe to and connect with the Screening Hive platform. 

Screening Hive allows you to create Interview templates and share them with candidates via email. Candidates can attend the interview at their convenience and reply with their video responses to the questions you share in the templates. This reduces the time spent coordinating a suitable time for an interview with your candidates.