When starting to hire for a new job, it is a good idea to check if there are any suitable candidate's resumes already in your database. You can do it with our AI-based unique feature called Matching Candidates. It works by giving you a list of people who match the job requirements. This means you can find potential candidates without having to search elsewhere, which saves you time and effort.

Navigation Link:  https://app.ismartrecruit.com/openJob

You can find the matching Candidates by following these steps:

Step 1:  Navigate to the Jobs Module from the left-hand menu option to access the Active Job screen.


Step 2:  Click on the specific job and the Job View Dialogue Box will open. Navigate to the Matching Candidate, where you will find a list of candidates and their respective matching percentile scores.


Step 3: Please select the relevant candidate and assign them to the Job.


Step 4: You can perform various actions related to the candidate by clicking the "More Actions" button at the bottom.

Under the "Match in Candidate Database"


Note: The "Applied/Assign Candidate", found under matching candidates, offers the same "More Actions" choices as the "Match in Candidate Database".


Step 5: In the "Applied/Assigned Candidate" tab within the matching candidate screen, you can update the status of a candidate. Select the candidate and click on the "Change Status" button to Change the status of the Candidate.


Step 6:  Now, Advance Matching helps you to Match Candidates with job requirements through an AI-based algorithm.

To use this feature, click the "Advanced Matching" button on the right side of the Matching Candidate screen. This will open the Advanced Matching screen for more options.

1.  Advanced Matching when you click the Match in Candidate Database button


After Clicking on the Advanced Matching button, the pop-up screen for Advanced Matching will appear.

Suppose you activate the Use Semantic Search and select the option to exclude candidates assigned to another active job. You can match candidates by specifying job titles, locations, skills, experience, qualifications, keywords, language and proficiency. After inputting these criteria, click the "Matching Candidate" button below to receive a list of candidates ideally suited for the job.

Enabling the "Exclude candidates assigned to another active job" option will ensure that candidates already assigned to other active jobs are not included in the results.

Furthermore, our system allows you to rate the importance of each criterion using stars. 

You can also choose between using the SHOULD and MUST buttons to refine your candidate-matching preferences according to your needs.


2. Advance Matching When you click the Applied/Assigned Candidates button


Upon clicking the Advanced Matching option, the pop-up screen for Advanced Matching will appear. You'll find the option to use the Use semantic search switch on this screen.


Note:  The "Use Semantic Search" switch in the "Applied/Assign Candidates" section functions the same way as it does in the "Match in Candidate Database" section.


Leveraging advanced AI technology, our platform offers tailored candidate recommendations aligned with matching job criteria, including location, skills, experience, designation, and qualifications. This will Streamline your recruitment process and seamlessly connect you with top talent that matches your needs.


Note: Please note that Candidates assigned to this Job will then not be considered in the result.