The Leads module categorizes the system views as a Gird View and a List View. Both views display information on leads to the system user. The critical difference between them is based on the data display mechanism. 

Grid View follows the row architecture to display the lead's data elements, while List View provides the row and column architecture to display the Lead information. 

In the system, you can set either of these views based on your preference for the leads.

Navigation Link: 


Lead Grid View

This is the default view of the screen. You can change the screen to Grid by clicking the Grid View Button on the top right of the data.

It will give you the basic details of the data required by the user, such as the Lead's Name, Status, and Owner.


Lead List View

This view is helpful when you want detailed information about a particular Lead. It lists all the details according to your requirements.


You can also add the columns in the list view. To add/edit the column in the ListView, you need to click on the Add Column button.


Select the Columns from the list. After selecting the columns click on the Show Columns button below and your ListView will be Updated with the columns.

You can also filter out the data from each column to make your data search faster.