There are multiple fields or details in the system, whose values you can customize for your account. Under Catalogue, you can access this list f information and update it as per your needs.

To access Catalogue, click on the “Admin” option on the left side of the screen and select the Catalogue option in the Manage Master tab. 

Navigation Link:

The key purpose of this screen is to provide the facility to add, edit and remove items that help you to access a set of values and to make it consistent across the system as per their own requirement.

Navigation Link:



The following is the list of categories available in the dropdown with predefined labels and values.




When you select the Category from the drop-down, you can get the list of existing values under the selected categories.

For e.g., under the ‘Gender’ Category there are two items and each item has a different label and value. Labels will be available to see and values will be stored in the database for selected label items. You may add, edit, and remove items from the list.



You can also search for the item from the table by clicking on the filter icon below the “Add New” button and entering the text above the respective column.

Add Value in Catalogue

Step 1: Click on the “Add New” button.



Step 2: Enter Label and Value as per your requirement, and click on Save. 



You will get the newly created item with the given label and value on the screen.

Edit or Delete Value in Catalogue

Click on the “Edit” icon (pencil icon) to update the label or click on delete (X icon), to remove the label.