The system supports sending text messages to candidates. You can send individual and bulk text messages to Candidates. For individual Text messages, we support integration with two world-leading platforms: Twilio and Dialpad. 

Using our text message-sending feature, you can integrate your Twilio or Dialpad account with the system. Please refer to the article below to learn more.

Twilio Configuration: 


Individual Text Message 

You can send individual text messages to candidates from their profile view. 

Navigation Link:

Step 1: Click on the Candidate screen and click on the required candidate name to open the Candidate View dialogue box. 


Step 2: Inside the Candidate view dialogue box, click on the "Text Message" icon at the top of the screen. 


Step 3: A “Text Message” dialogue will appear. Where you can add message details and click on send. 


Step 4: You can review all sent and received text messages inside the activity tab of the candidate profile under the label "Text Message". 


Bulk Text Message 

Other than integrating with Twilio or Dialpad, you can integrate with any third-party SMS gateway supporting HTTP-based integration for bulk text messages. 


Integrate platform for Bulk Text Message

You can use a local platform to send bulk text messages, in the Admin section of your account. 

Navigation Link: 


Step 1: Visit the Integration section and click on the Bulk Text Message option. 


Step 2: Add the required details of the service provider in the system and Update. 


Send Bulk Text Messages to Candidates

Step 1: You can send bulk text messages to candidates from the Candidates screen. 

Navigation Link: 


Step 2: Multi-select required candidates, click on more actions and select the "Send Bulk Text Message" option.


Step 3: A “Text Message” dialogue will get appear. Where you can add message details and click on send.