All candidates who apply to the job from an external source, like your company's website, job boards, social network accounts, etc., get added to the iSmartRecruit candidate database automatically.

By default, they are assigned to the "Applied" stage under the job for which they applied. The best place to track all the applications coming into the system is the pipeline. To do so, go to the "Pipeline" option on the left-hand menu.

Navigation Link:

Pipeline Module

Pipeline provides an overview of all your active candidates and all active jobs that you are working on, with details like the date when they were added to the job and their current status in the Recruitment workflow. 



Note: The pipeline module is available for your account on request, to reduce the confusion for new users. Please write to our support team at [email protected] to activate the Pipeline module.


Within this module, you can perform many functions that you might use daily. 

Change candidate status


After Clicking on the Edit icon(pencil icon) a pop-up will appear from where you can change the status and to update it click on the update button given at the bottom.


Schedule interview

For more information refer to a detailed article -  


After clicking on the Schedule Interview icon the screen of Schedule Interview will appear. From there you can Schedule the type of Interview you want and then click on the Schedule Interview button at the bottom.



Add call reminders

For more information refer to a detailed article -  


After clicking on Add Call Reminder icon the pop-up form of Add Call Reminder will appear from where you can Add Call Reminder. You can save it by clicking on the save button.



Send a mass email

For more information refer to a detailed article -  


After clicking on Send Mass Email the pop-up form of Send Mass Email will appear from from you can send Mass emails by Clicking on the Send button at the bottom of the page.


Send candidate profile via email to Client

You can send your shortlisted candidate's profiles via email to your clients, for review or updates. 


After clicking on the Send Email to Client button the pop-up form of Send Email t will appear where you can send an Email to the client and Click on the send button to send the Email.



Unassign the candidate from the job

For more information refer to a detailed article - 


Move candidate

You can move candidates from the pipeline of one job role to another to evaluate if they are suitable for another job requirement.  


After clicking on Move Candidates the pop-up form of Move Candidates will appear and by entering the details you can move your candidates. Click on the OK button to move the candidates.